About CCI-Toronto
The Canadian Condominium Institute is an independent, non-profit organization formed in 1982 with chapters throughout Canada, including a very active Toronto Chapter.

CCI is the largest national condo association dealing exclusively with condominium issues affecting all of the participants in the condominium community. The chapters throughout the country provide practical comparisons to the different provincial condo acts and allow us to work with various levels of governments for better reforms as gained from practical experience. CCI assists the association membership in establishing and operating successful condominium corporations through education, resources, seminars and referrals to expert assistance.

CCI does not represent any one profession or interest group. Rather, it represents all facets of the condominium community, encouraging all interest groups to work together towards one goal.

It is in the best interests of both successful and struggling condominiums, as well as industry professionals and suppliers to actively support CCI in its aim to improve condominiums throughout Canada. Your membership in the CCI, through your Toronto and Area Chapter, will help achieve this goal.


The Canadian Condominium Institute leads the National condominium industry by providing education, information, awareness and access to expertise by and for our members. Coast to Coast...we are your condo connection!

Your Condo Connection To Education

To provide condo education in Toronto through courses, seminars and networking, and to equip condo board members, home-owners and other industry participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to conduct the affairs of a condominium corporation in a proper and diligent manner.

Your Condo Connection to Professionals

Your Association membership will enable you to appeal to CCI for resources and direction on resolving condominium problems or for referrals to appropriate condominium professionals and business partners.

Your Condo Connection to Representation

CCI's Legislative Committee is constantly working with the provincial government in order that they produce legislation (including, but not limited to the Condo Act) that reflects the improvements required to properly protect directors and condominium homeowners.


Building Tomorrow's Communities

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